Loan Originator

Pete Scaduto

Peter Scaduto was born and raised on Long Island, NY. He serves as Vice President of Operations for Capitol Lending Group, Inc. and has been a licensed mortgage loan originator with CLG since 2010. He continues to look for new efficient ways of providing service to our clients and creating systems to aid in the ease of processing client transactions. By using his strong financial services background, Pete has all of the tools needed to provide sound analysis of client’s mortgage needs.

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Ms. Esquire has been a great group, and special due to being mostly ladies, which brings a different vibe. Some of the activities we do during our monthly meetings bring the members closer to one another which is great. Also, all members are phenomenal and intelligent business owners, people you want to relate to and be around.

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Raquel Gomes

Ms. Esquire has helped my business significantly and has helped me personally as well. In addition to the numerous referrals that are passed back and forth, the connections I have made through Ms. Esquire have developed into long-lasting friendships as well as successful business relationships. Many of my closest friends are also my colleagues who are part of Ms. Esquire. Ms. Esquire has also provided me with valuable information such as scheduling and marketing tips, an opportunity to get headshots, and detailed instructions on creating a virtual business card.

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Jacqueline Revis
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