Ms. Esquire has been a great group, and special due to being mostly ladies, which brings a different vibe. Some of the activities we do during our monthly meetings bring the members closer to one another which is great. Also, all members are phenomenal and intelligent business owners, people you want to relate to and be around.
Demetrio Rico
Demetrio Rico has led several successful global sales teams and has contributed to the rapid growth of telecoms for more than 20 years.
Most recently, Demetrio served as Global Vice President of Sales for 2600Hz. Prior to 2600Hz, he was Global Director of Service Provider development for Five9, where he helped service providers launch the cloud contact center, Demetrio was also director of customer experience for Cisco and Global Vice President of Professional Services for Broadsoft, where he led a team of 200 people with over 16MM dollars/year in revenue.
During all these years he has increased his experience in team management and business skills, and his background has led him to this new – not new – chapter as Stafi’s COO.